Famous Quotes About Education

Famous Quotes About Education

What makes education important is the cultivation and implantation of learning different aspects of life and also, to achieve self-actualization unlocking the maximum potential in every one of us. Education is about providing us with the learning tools on practical experiences, trial and errors, make mistakes, evaluate and improve while finding who we are.

If we look into the biographies of every successful man, you will see exploration, assessment, experiment, and development with struggles and challenges. The process is always about tearing yourself apart before being complete. Well, and we shall see how do successful people say about education?

Remember that failure is an event, not a person” Zig Ziglar

Failure is simply a window for you to look into why what and how we can create successes. If you are defining yourself with the failures that you have made, think again. Failures happen in many reasons, but definitely not valid enough to define you as a person. Because failures are just choices made in parts of your life, the same goes to happiness and achievements! So, we shall embrace and celebrate all!

I failed, but I am not the failure!

Change is the end result of all true learning ” Leo Buscaglia

Learning could be meaningless if we stay in loops of frames without breaking it with positive changes. For example, the changes in our mind perspectives, or our physical habits simply like picking up a new hobby. We always learn from observation, evaluation, and execution. The process will go on and on until we are satisfied with our undertakings, and this is learning!

“Positive changes lead to growth, and it requires lots of experimental learning”

A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers” Helen Keller

Why questions? Because questions lead us to investigate, to verify, to innovate, to solve issues and most importantly, to seek the truth of life. Let’s see one prominent example, Issac Newton, who has discovered the theory of gravity with a falling apple! That is why we must always protect children’s curious mind of learning because that is crucial for children’s learning journey, which never ends!

I am always born to be a curious learner 🙂

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows” Epictetus

We can never learn if we are not humble enough to listen and understand. It is about making sure our cup is empty for the others to pour new elements in. But, you must always question the inputs that you have by verifying the truth with experiments and investigations.

The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence” Maria Montessori

A man who has the freedom of choices is a man who has the gut to take responsibilities of his life, and it goes hand-in-hand with independence. We can only gain the freedom of our life by owning it completely. How?
< Make independent choices >< Embrace mistakes and learn the lessons >
< Be reflective > < Take responsibilities > < Be persistent >< Love yourself >
Don’t you realize, that this all just related to one big word: GROWTH
Therefore, never stop growing and your life will be blessed with abundance!

Let’s create a world that you can trust whole-heartedly for your children

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself “John Dewey

Finally, this is a famous quote that resonates with me the most from John Dewey. Life is about learning through experiences, no matter who you are, what do you do, what is your favourite hobby, you are always learning without even realizing how time flies! So, why not? Happy Learning!

Written by
Carven Chan
An Enthusiast about children and education
