Category: Family

Daddy, Mummy, You Don’t Have to Be Perfect

Daddy, Mummy, You Don’t Have to Be Perfect

Every adult was a child. We learn we grow, we develop differently and eventually live in this world with our own survival skills. We have our own insecurities, fear, worries and pain along with our growth. All these challenges make us vulnerable, and yet strong enough to protect our children. Then, here we are, being a parent with all these hidden scars.

Key nutrients for a 1 to 3 year old child

Key nutrients for a 1 to 3 year old child

From 1- 3 years old, your child is growing faster than he will at age 4 to 5! At this time, his body will need a proper nutrients to fuel this growth. Even more, he will require appropriate nutrients in the correct amounts for 360° Development through the key areas of Cognitive, Motor, Emotional and Communication.