5 Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

5 Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

“All the great speakers were bad speakers at first.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Public speaking provides an opportunity for kids to boost their confidence levels as well as prepare them for tasks they will face as adults.

Public speaking can be overwhelming and scary, but with the right approach, anything is possible. Fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety. However, we need to conquer what we are afraid to do.

5 Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

📢 Tip 1: Know Your Topic Better

The better you understand what your topic is talking about and the less likely you will make a mistake. When you do get lost, you will be able to recover quickly. Besides, take some time to consider what questions the audience may ask and have your response ready.

📢 Tip 2: Practice And Rehearse

As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”. Nothing can take the place of practicing and preparing. Practice your complete speech several times. Do it for some people you are comfortable with and ask for advice and feedback. It may also be helpful to practice your speech in front of the mirror. The more you practice the more confidence you gain!

📢 Tip 3: Work On Your Breathing

When you focus on your breathing your voice will have more resonance and you will have more resonance and you will relax. Besides, this can be very calming. For instance, take two or more deep, slow breaths before you get up to the podium and during your speech.

📢 Tip 4: Know Your Audience.

Take some time to know your audience in advance it can help you to reduce nervousness. There is always going to be someone in the audience on their phone or yawning. Therefore, don’t overthink audience reactions.

📢 Tip 5: Body Language

Body language is essential to understand and employ to help overcome the speaking fear. Your non-verbal cues will impact on the way your message is received. Working on your body language can make a big difference. For example, when you are nervous, try to move around the stage is a great way of showing your audience you are confident in what you are saying.

3 Best Speech Enrichment Class In Malaysia

Here are some list for the public speaking class. Let’s get your kids talking and build up their public speaking confidence!

🎤 1. eBright Malaysia (7-15 yrs)

This is an invaluable platform for children to practice speaking in public, as opportunities like these are rare and few between. At eBright, we help kids to consolidate their knowledge, hone their public speaking skills and gain exposure to interesting and pertinent topics.

Join Here: https://bit.ly/3eMTW8p

🎤 2.  De’Emcee ( 5 – 9 years old )

Malaysian Kids Score A But Can’t Express? Not anymore! With the existence of De’Emcee, Malaysian kids are both intelligent and confident. Confidence development since young evidently helps to nurture a confidence speaker. Do enroll and let’s start their confidence journey!

Join Here: https://bit.ly/2BeUDtz

🎤 3. ProMizzion ( 10 – 15 years old)

ProMizzion Graduates denote high value and worth in job market with character through aged 10 confidence preparatory.

Join Here: https://bit.ly/3eRBWdj
