Month: March 2020

Problem Solving Skills for Your Child’s Development

Problem Solving Skills for Your Child’s Development

Problem-solving is a process whereby the brain uses the experience its associated with some stimulation and information or the environment to handle a situation. Even though a young child can think, learn and solve problems, they are only able to solve simple problems that may be a part of their daily routines which are in accordance to their age.

Daddy, Mummy, You Don’t Have to Be Perfect

Daddy, Mummy, You Don’t Have to Be Perfect

Every adult was a child. We learn we grow, we develop differently and eventually live in this world with our own survival skills. We have our own insecurities, fear, worries and pain along with our growth. All these challenges make us vulnerable, and yet strong enough to protect our children. Then, here we are, being a parent with all these hidden scars.

The Unlock Potentials behind the Learning of Visual Arts

The Unlock Potentials behind the Learning of Visual Arts

Children are encouraged to get various exposure to different enrichment subjects and, visual arts would be one of the most popular learning subjects among all. What are the main unlock potentials that we could track by sending our children to learn visual arts?